Don’t Disrespect My Ebonics

Okay guys, I have a quick rant to go on. So, earlier today I was sitting outside with a few of my friends at “The Wood”, the place on campus where most minorities hang out in between classes, and with me being comfortable in my setting I used a lot of slang. While we were there talking, laughing and gossiping, a guy politely interrupted our conversation and asked each of us what our majors were. He asked me last and when I told him that my major was mass communications, he replied, “Wow, I never would have thought. I’d think that major would discipline people to speak well since it involves so much networking and stuff.” And maybe it was the tone of his voice, but his response definitely rubbed me the wrong way. I sat up in my seat, adjusted my clothes and cleared my throat. Looking him in his eyes I told him, “The way I speak while I’m in a social setting is not the same way I speak while I’m in a business or professional setting. My major and my minor in creative writing allows me to be versatile in that way. And no matter the setting, I always speak well because the Ebonics you heard before you joining in on our conversation is another language within itself like Creole or Cajun-French. So the next time you make the conscious decision to indirectly belittle my way of speaking, I’d like to suggest that you take the time out to learn and fully comprehend my native language like you would Spanish or Japanese. Until then, we ain’t got a ner notha thing to talk bout.”

Now, I’m not sure if i took his response out of context and clapped back on him for no reason or if he truly deserved it, but either way I felt as though I should share that part of my day with you all. #rantover