The “Five-Foot-Ten-Foot Rule”

Earlier this week I was introduced to this thing call the “Five-Foot-Ten-Foot Rule”. It says that if you’re ten-six feet away from a person that you make eye contact with them and acknowledge them (usually with a faint smile or a head nod) and if you’re five feet or less away from a person, you make eye contact and greet them verbally (usually with a ‘Hello’ or ‘Good morning/afternoon’). The idea of the rule is to create small positive interactions between people, which will in turn create a positive atmosphere. Normally, I do speak to people or acknowledge them at least in most scenarios, but after hearing about this rule, it made me pay more attention to when and how I do it. Understanding that the idea is to create positivity, I noticed that I wouldn’t follow the rule whenever I was in a down mood or had a lot on my mind and it would take for someone to speak to me first for me to start following the rule. I decided then that I would do my best to follow the rule as much as possible because you never know what a person is going through, and sometimes all it takes is a gesture as simple as smiling and saying, “Hello” to lifts someone’s spirit.


Communication is Foundation

To have a strong, healthy relationship with anyone, whether it be parent-child, teacher-student or husband-wife, you have to know that good communication is the driving force behind that. Being able to talk to a wide variety of people properly is something that seems easy, but is a complex skill to possess. For me, talking to people is easy, but it’s things like being aware of tone of voice, facial expressions and body language.

To improve your tone of voice, try these:

  • Drinking water throughout the day
  • Be sure to breath from the diaphragm
  • Get feedback on your voice
  • Record your voice and play it back
  • Try voice scales

To improve facial expression

  • Relax your jaw
  • Know how your face naturally rests
  • Raise your eyebrows, just a little
  • Always have a faint smile
  • Practice at home

To improve body language

  • Always be engaged
  • Try to avoid bad poses (folded arms, hands on hips, ect)
  • Know your nervous habits
  • Sit / Stand up straight